Hannah Fry

Hannah Fry uses mathematics to study patterns in human behaviour, particularly in an urban setting and was our 2019 Christmas Lecturer.

Hannah Fry in a blue suit looking up, standing in a chequered floor
Credit: Paul Wilkinson

Hannah Fry is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics of Cities at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London. She works alongside a unique mix of physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, architects and geographers to study patterns in human behaviour, particularly in an urban setting. Her research applies to a wide range of social problems and questions, from shopping and transport to urban crime, riots and terrorism. 

Alongside her academic position, Hannah is an experienced public speaker taking the joy of maths into theatres and schools, and has been a regular speaker at the Royal Institution.

Her critically acclaimed BBC documentaries include Horizon: Diagnosis on Demand? The Computer Will See You Now, Britain’s Greatest Invention, City in the Sky (BBC Two), Magic Numbers: Hannah Fry’s Mysterious World of Maths, The Joy of Winning, The Joy of Data, Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic and Calculating Ada (BBC Four).

She also co-presents The Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry (BBC Radio 4) and The Maths of Life with Lauren Laverne (BBC Radio 6). Online, her YouTube videos have clocked up millions of views, including her popular Ri talks on the Ri YouTube channel.

Hannah has also authored a number of books. Her latest, Hello World: How to be human in the age of the machine (Penguin Random House/Transworld) was shortlisted for the prestigious Bailie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction and the Royal Society Book Prize.

Closure from 24 December to 16 January

The Ri will be closed to visitors from Tuesday 24 December to Thursday 16 January inclusive.