Talks and shows

Could science abolish death?

Leading neuroscientist Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston explores the latest brain preservation techniques, discusses whether we could ever abolish death, and asks if we should.

Colourful abstract picture of a brain

Just as surgeons once believed pain was good for their patients, some argue today that death brings meaning to life. But given humans rarely live beyond a century – even while certain whales can thrive for over two hundred years – it’s hard not to see our biological limits as profoundly unfair.  
Yet, with ever-advancing science, will the ends of our lives always loom so close? For from ventilators to brain implants, modern medicine has been blurring what it means to die. In a lucid synthesis of current neuroscientific thinking, Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston explains that death is no longer the loss of heartbeat or breath, but of personal identity – that the core of our identities is our minds, and that our minds are encoded in the structure of our brains. On this basis, he explores how recently invented brain preservation techniques may offer us all the chance of preserving our minds to enable our future revival, alongside the ethical implications this technology could create.

Copies of Ariel's latest book 'The Future Loves You: How and Why We Should Abolish Death' will be available to purchase after the talk.

Event type

This is a theatre only event where the speakers and audience are together in our Theatre.

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About Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston

Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston
Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston

Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston is a neuroscientist at Monash University, Australia, where he investigates methods for characterising the nature of conscious experiences. In 2019, he obtained his PhD from The University of Melbourne, where he researched how genetic and environmental factors affect cognition. His research interests range from the decline, preservation and rescue of cognitive function at different stages of the lifespan, through to comparing different people’s conscious experience of colour. 
By contributing to research that clarifies the neurobiological, cognitive, and philosophical basis of what it is to be a person, he hopes to accelerate the development of medical infrastructure that will help prevent him and everyone else from dying. 


Doors to the theatre will open at 6.45pm and the talk will begin at 7.00pm.


The event will take place on the first floor and there is step-free access from the street via lift.

The closest underground station is Green Park, which is step-free.

There is space at floor level in the theatre for wheelchair users.

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Our theatre is equipped with an Audio Induction Loop. 

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Face masks are no longer mandatory and wearing one in our Theatre and at other Ri events is at your discretion, however please do not attend the Ri if you are displaying Covid symptoms or, if you have tested, the result remains positive. Thank you for respecting other people and their choices, and for helping us keep all of our visitors and staff safe and well.

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