About ExpeRimental

All about ExpeRimental, our series of short films that help you bring science home.

The trailer

About ExpeRimental

ExpeRimental is a series of short films that make it fun, easy and cheap to do science at home with children aged 4 to 10. Our films give you lots of ideas for kids’ activities that will help you explore the world around you, question and experiment together. We’ll show you how to do the activity and how to make sure adults and children get the most out of it. Tell us how you get on and share your photos and any funny things your kids say!

Each activity is designed to be easy to do using only common household objects. Simply playing, watching closely, and asking questions is enough to light a spark of science learning at home with young children. All the experiments are about encouraging natural curiosity and investigating the wonders of science while you play.

We think doing hands-on activities with children is the best way to get them exploring the world around them and thinking like future scientists and engineers. You won’t  need any existing science knowledge to be able carry out and enjoy ExpeRimental activities. Alongside each film is an info sheet with all the extra information you might need, including a clear explanation of the science at work and some ideas of questions to ask while playing. With badges and certificates to print out, and no limit to how far the activities could extend, we hope these films will be just the starting point for fun adventures in science.

Once you’ve had a go at some of the activities, head over to our Facebook page and let us know how you got on!

The future

We believe the ethos of ExpeRimental has huge potential to reach and benefit families from a diverse range of communities and backgrounds both on and offline. For example, we have run pilot ExpeRimental workshops for staff, young patients and their families at The Royal London Hospital, part of Barts Health NHS Trust, in Whitechapel in August 2014 and at Princess Alexandra Hospital in spring 2015. We are already investigating and evaluating different ways to expand ExpeRimental in the future and are open to all suggestions and potential collaborations to help us reach as wide an audience as possible.