Trusts and foundations have a long history of supporting the preservation of the Royal Institution’s historic public museum, protecting our collection and sustaining inspirational science programmes for all.
We are grateful to all the grant-giving trusts and foundation who support us. They play a vital role in helping us engage and inspire young people and spark curiosity and a love of science.
To find out more about how you can support our fundable projects, please contact Alex Howell, Head of Fundraising at
Thanks to
Lloyd's Register Foundation
The de Laszlo Foundation
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
The Clothworkers’ Foundation
The Worshipful Company of Actuaries
Faraday Foundation
British Psychological Society
John S Cohen Foundation
The Ernest Cook Trust
Equitable Charitable Trust
ERA Foundation
The Genetics Society
Bernard Gold Foundation
Charles Hayward Foundation
A G Manly Charitable Trust
Brian Mitchell Charitable Settlement
GM Morrison Charitable Trust
The Patron Fund
Reece Foundation
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Shears Foundation
DS Smith Charitable Foundation