ExpeRimental needs you!

Are you a parent, grandparent, auntie or uncle living in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland?

Marieke and Tilly (5) from Manchester make music with wine glasses
Royal Institution


14 October 2014

We're getting started on our second ExpeRimental film series and are looking for new families to take part!

ExpeRimental is a series of short films that make it fun, easy and cheap to do science at home with children aged 4 to 10. Our films aim to give parents, grandparents, childcare professionals and anyone else who looks after children lots of ideas for hands-on activities that will help the child and adult explore the world around them, question and experiment together. 

If you live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, have a child/children aged 4-10, and would like to star in our second series, this is your chance. You don't need to have done anything like this before or have a scientific or engineering background to apply, just lots of enthusiasm!

Let us know your location, the age and number of children who you would like to appear in the film, how you know them (mum, dad, uncle, auntie, grandparent etc), and why you want to do it. We'd like to arrange Skype interviews soon, but let us know if you don't have access to Skype and we'll work something else out.

If you're interested, please send an email to our Development Producer Alom Shaha at ashaha@ri.ac.uk with all the above information and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

This second ExpeRimental series has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Royal Society of Chemistry.