Spring events 2016

Public events from January to April are now available to explore and book - don't miss out!

DNA representation Credit: Andy Leppard via Flickr


From seeing how materials can perform in front of your eyes to the wonder of pyrotechnic effects, families can enjoy a wide variety of events this season. Our Family Fun Day is based on the CHRISTMAS LECTURES while our 2012 Christmas Lecturer Peter Wothers is coming back for a double bill in April.

Find out more about what family events and activites we have in our Family section.


Hear how Carol Robinson's eccentric research in structural biology proved to be incredibly worthwhile and discover the science of climate models and how these can help us predict the future with Julia Slingo. Discuss the concept of 'the self' with novelist Ian McEwan at our cultural Discourse of the year and learn all about John Nash's mathematical creations with Cédric Villani.

The Universe

How might dark matter have played a role in the extinction of the dinosaurs? Join Lisa Randall in January to find out. In March, hear Hiranya Peiris delve into the clues in the Universe and what this might tell us about multiverses.

Comedian and science writer Ben Miller will take us through what we know about the search for intelligent life in February, and adults have the chance to get hands-on at our Lates about surviving in space in March.

Decoding life

Join geneticist Kat Arney as she explores how DNA is packed, unpacked and read, find out about how deception in nature is used as a survival tool and discover why modern biology holds the key to remedying today's greatest medical and ecological challenges.


Now the new year has arrived, you can plan how to spend your January to April at the Ri. Avoid disappointment and book now.

From talks exploring how dark matter might bring about mass extinctions to family events showcasing pyrotechnic effects, we have events to suit everyone. Learn about the hidden clues of the Universe, find out how to determine the truth of neuroscience news and discuss responsibility with Bonnie Greer and Hugh Montgomery in our new series 'The conversation'.

Download the full programme to get an overview or browse our What's On calendar online to book your spring events today.

Read more to find more information about the events coming up and don't forget – Ri Members can join our community and benefit from free and discounted tickets!

Short Courses

Our Science Short Courses are aimed at anyone who would like to explore a subject in more depth than a one-off talk, but not as formal as a university course. This season, we have a six-week course on 'Christianity and the creation of modern science' with Professor Frank James and a week-long 'An introduction to evolution' with Dr Steve Cook.

Our brain

There is a long history of debate about biological sex differences and brain imaging techniques are now used as evidence in this debate. Sift the neurotrash from the neuronews with Gina Rippon in January. Discover what might be going on in your brain in 'Thinking: A user's guide' with Rishard Nisbett and join a panel of experts to discuss the science of sleeplessness.