Primary mathematics enrichment

Rebecca Bollands tells us about the mathematics activities she has organised for her schools cluster

Pupils at a Primary Mathematics Masterclass
Tim Mitchell

Extending enrichment

In order to have more impact on all pupils in our cluster, we successfully applied for funding to have 7puzzle to work with us for one day.  Our Mathematics Extravaganza started with Paul Godding from 7puzzle running morning sessions for Year 5, 6 and 7 pupils from six schools. Pupils soon became engrossed in the exciting puzzle challenges that Paul set.  After this, Paul worked with a group of more able mathematicians from our Year 2 Masterclass group. Staff from all six schools worked alongside pupils and all felt more confident in using puzzles to support learning in mathemaitcs.

Paul then held a session for parents from the six cluster schools. This gave parents the opportunity to see how they could support learning at home by using mathematical puzzles and games.

Primary Mathematics Masterclasses

One of the priorities for the South Six Cluster, a network of primary and secondary schools in Coventry, has been to promote enrichment in mathematics. With the support of the Royal Institution, we have been running series of Mathematics Masterclasses for children in Years 2, 5 and 6. These have been very popular and have seen children engaged in wide range of activities from fractals to deciphering codes.

Mathematics TeachMeet

Our final activity for the day was a Mathematics TeachMeet.  This event was attended by over 100 teachers from our cluster. We were delighted to have Sam Durbin from the Royal Institution with us to give an opening speech and to lead workshop sessions on teaching probability using dice and a forest fire scenario. Paul ran workshops demonstrating how puzzles can be used to develop mathematical thinking.

The whole day was a great success for pupils, staff and parents from six schools. 100% of staff attending the TeachMeet fed back that they found the event very useful and that they had gained lots of practical ideas to use in the classroom.

By Rebecca Bollands, Deputy Headteacher, Howes Primary School

Closure from 24 December to 16 January

The Ri will be closed to visitors from Tuesday 24 December to Thursday 16 January inclusive.