Ri Masterclasses Code of Conduct

Everyone taking part in an Ri Masterclass must read and abide by our Code of Conduct.


This code of conduct is to ensure that Ri Masterclasses are open, safe, fulfilling, and a welcoming environment for everyone’s thoughts and ideas.

Everyone involved in an Ri Masterclass is responsible for following the Code of Conduct.

Code of conduct for all Ri Masterclass activities

We will not accept any behaviour which is unkind, upsetting or excludes any one person or group of people. If what you’re doing is making someone feel uncomfortable, that is enough reason to stop doing it.

During an Ri Masterclass you should:

  • Be kind, respectful and inclusive to everyone
  • Listen and respect each other’s views and ideas; if you disagree with someone, challenge and discuss the idea, not the person
  • Use welcoming and inclusive language, including gender neutral terms (e.g. “they” instead of “she” or “he” if you don’t know someone’s gender)
  • Treat everyone equally

Everyone has a responsibility to help keep Masterclasses safe for everyone. This means:

  • Don’t take and share pictures, video or audio which includes other students (the Masterclass organisers and supervisors may take some pictures or video – they know who has parent/carer permission for photos)
  • Adults should not share personal contact details with students (or vice versa), or connect with them on social media. If something needs to be shared, for example additional content from a session, this should go to the Masterclass organiser or supervisor who will then share with students and their parents/carers

Good practice for inclusive language

  • Do not use words like “crazy”, “dumb”, “insane” or “lame” out of context as this can be upsetting to people. Instead you can use clearer descriptions of what you actually mean, like saying something is “unexpected”, “amazing”, “not sensible” or “disappointing”
  • Do not use terms with a mixed group of people which generally refer to only one gender
  • Do not use slang or abbreviations which others may not be familiar with
  • Do not swear or use abbreviations of swearwords

Online Ri Masterclasses and events

For online Masterclasses, the code of conduct includes the following points: 

  • You must not share your own or others’ personal details at the Masterclass event – this includes contact details, social media or other online account names/handles, links to my blogs/streams, links or codes to access games, etc.
  • You should not share anything that someone else has shared without their permission. You must not take and/or share any pictures or recordings of the event which include other participants
  • You should use parent or carer’s account to access the event platform
  • Everyone should use appropriate language at all times and must not share, link to or display any inappropriate materials or content, including in the background of their video or audio feeds
  • You should make sure that you are appropriately dressed (clothing that covers both the top and bottom half of the body, with no inappropriate images or words featured)
  • You should follow the session supervisor’s direction on what your screenname should be

If you do not wish to be seen and/or heard by other event attendees, you can turn off your camera and/or microphone.

You should ensure that you are using any interactive features sensibly and appropriately. Do not spam the chat with repeated or irrelevant material, as this stops other from being able to participate.

Anyone who does not follow these guidelines may have to be removed from the session and any future sessions.

Available support

There will be at least one supervisor present throughout the Masterclass, in each room/virtual room.

If you are uncomfortable about anything, for example, something another person is saying or doing, you can tell one of the supervisors. They will deal with the matter appropriately and as quickly as possible.

Reporting safeguarding concerns

If you are concerned about the welfare or safety of yourself or another person, or if you are not happy with how a supervisor has handled a concern you reported to them, you can contact the Ri’s safeguarding team directly. The details of how to reach them can be found in our safeguarding policies and procedures.


If you have any questions about this Code of Conduct or have any general concerns, please contact us on masterclasses@ri.ac.uk.

Closure from 24 December to 16 January

The Ri will be closed to visitors from Tuesday 24 December to Thursday 16 January inclusive.